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I am really glad you wrote this and appreciate your honesty. :) I am personally exhausted by social media but am looking for connection and collaborations as well. I have experienced a lot of issues like idealization and devaluation online, and I struggle with a sense of imposter syndrome myself because I don't have a "brand" or don't look a certain way. But I'm a very good friend (most of the times) and want to get to know people but I'm quickly realizing that not everyone is looking for what I'm looking for online. And I'm realizing that the qualities that make a good connections don't often lend themselves to being great at social media (if social media then becomes about followers and likeability). I find blogs and newsletters to be more accessible personally because stories feel more accessible that just pictures and highlight reels.

I'm excited to keep tuning in, whatever happens. And now I want to give The Breakfast Club another shot!

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